Product responsibility through closed loop recycling for geosynthetics (ProGeo)

The use of geosynthetics (GEOK) has been established for decades as a successful practice in various geotechnical areas, including earthworks, hydraulic engineering, road construction and landfill construction. These constructions are already contributing to sustainable resource management, as they make it possible to dispense with considerable quantities of natural resources. At present, however, the production of GEOK is mainly based on primary raw materials.

Increased attention in the European Union and in Germany to the use of resources, recycling quotas and the avoidance of uncontrolled release of plastics into the environment requires a rethink on the part of GEOK manufacturers. A key challenge is to develop resource-conserving production processes that incorporate secondary raw materials. At the same time, manufacturers should bear product responsibility over the entire life cycle in order to fulfil administrative and technical requirements, guarantee economic efficiency and ensure social acceptance in the long term.

The research and development project outlined above aims to create the necessary conditions for the complete closed-loop recycling of GEOK within the next five years. The focus here is on the reuse of selected products, as well as recycling up to the highest quality level for the manufacture of new GEOK products. Dismantling techniques for the recovery of installed GEOK as well as logistics systems and processes for material recycling are being developed and tested. The developed concept should be transferable to other plastic construction products, and the integration of other plastic product groups with a high quality level is planned.

The Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) is dedicated to the goal of developing digital structures that enable a consistent exchange of information over the entire life cycle of GEOK. To this end, a meaningful basic structure and necessary information will be developed as part of a workshop. Digital data management processes should integrate relevant information for closing the loop in the digital building twin (Building Information Modelling) in order to be available to all stakeholders involved in the life cycle, including manufacturers, planners, builders and processors. This enables value to be added at multiple levels, including technical tools such as material, product and condition passports that give planners and manufacturers confidence in managing product quality across multiple lifecycles. The link with tracer technology enables a direct connection between product and digitally tracked life cycle, allowing a holistic view of costs and environmental impact. Automated life cycle assessment enables business models developed from the overall project to be assessed as holistically sustainable (ecologically and economically).


Product responsibility through closed loop recycling for geosynthetics


Collaboration, Research


  • Marlena Block
  • Jonas Maibaum

Project Duration:


Project Partners: 

  • FH Münster, IWARU-AG Ressourcen & IWARU-AG Infrastruktur
  • Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Lehrstuhl für Informatik im Bauwesen
  • Herold & Partner Ingenieure mbH (IBH)
  • HUESKER Synthetic GmbH
  • NAUE GmbH & Co. KG