Admission of the chair to the Bundesverband Bausoftware e.V.


Bvbs Mitgliedschaft

Recently, the Chair of Computer Science in Engineering was accepted into the Bundesverband Bausoftware e.V. (BVBS) as an extraordinary member.

The BVBS was founded in 1993. The declared goal: to strengthen the performance of the construction industry with the help of innovations and the use of construction software. A special focus is also on the development of quality standards and their certification. The approximately 100 member companies of the BVBS are primarily software companies and IT service providers from the fields of architecture, civil engineering, manufacturing, specialist planning and construction. Among other companies, Allplan Deutschland GmbH, Autodesk GmbH and Hexagon, whose software is also used by our students on a regular basis, are also members.

We are looking forward to being a part of this cooperative network in the future and to contributing our experience and knowledge.

Thank you very much and here's to good cooperation!


Bundesverband Bausoftware e.V. (BVBS) (more...)

Bvbs Mitgliedschaft

Recently, the Chair of Computer Science in Engineering was accepted into the Bundesverband Bausoftware e.V. (BVBS) as an extraordinary member.

The BVBS was founded in 1993. The declared goal: to strengthen the performance of the construction industry with the help of innovations and the use of construction software. A special focus is also on the development of quality standards and their certification. The approximately 100 member companies of the BVBS are primarily software companies and IT service providers from the fields of architecture, civil engineering, manufacturing, specialist planning and construction. Among other companies, Allplan Deutschland GmbH, Autodesk GmbH and Hexagon, whose software is also used by our students on a regular basis, are also members.

We are looking forward to being a part of this cooperative network in the future and to contributing our experience and knowledge.

Thank you very much and here's to good cooperation!


Bundesverband Bausoftware e.V. (BVBS) (more...)