With the implementation of Building Information Modeling (BIM) in Germany, more and more construction projects are being planned and executed with the help of three-dimensional digital building models (so-called BIM models). In addition to geometric information, a BIM model also contains further details on materials, use, building products and performance specifications. The digitization of the construction industry also includes the introduction of digital processes for handling administrative procedures under building planning and building regulations. In the future, the exchange is to be conducted digitally between the players involved. To this end, the IT Planning Council's "Exchange standards in the construction and planning sector - XBau" project has been implemented since October 2014 in order to create uniform federal specifications for the exchange and processing of information in administrative procedures under building regulations. The two concepts presented complement each other in a meaningful way. Even today, BIM models in IFC format could be used as documents for XBau-compliant construction submissions.
The potentials of a BIM-based building permit were recognized early by the city of Dortmund and the federal state government of NRW. The federal state of NRW, the city of Dortmund as well as |DA| Drahtler Architekten as well as the company Louis Opländer Heizungs- und Klimatechnik GmbH were partners in the research project for the BIM-based building application. In cooperation with the Chair of Computing in Engineering at the Ruhr University Bochum, a self-financed project was carried out to evaluate a BIM-based building permit for the company headquarters of Louis Opländer Heizungs- und Klimatechnik GmbH. The main objective was to use BIM models and digital documents to manage the entire building permit process, including planning, application, application review and issuance of the building permit, as well as the subsequent construction process up to the completion of the building. In particular, the corresponding BIM models were to be used instead of conventional plans as part of the application review. Consequently, this enabled important insights to be gained with regard to elementary process modules such as model requirements, digital communication channels and necessary equipment and process requirements for the parties involved.
Find out more about the goals and benefits of the BIM-based building permit.
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BIM-based building permit NRW
joint project
Project partners: Ruhr University Bochum – Computing in Engineering, |DA| Drahtler Architekten, Stadtplanungs- und Bauordnungsamt der Stadt Dortmund