Drawing Interpretation

Symbol Detection

Symbols on engineering drawings are used to represent complex information such as objects, materials, dimensions, functions or instructions in a simple and standardized way. They are an essential part of drawings and facilitate their interpretation. Reliable recognition and interpretation of these symbols is, thus, an essential prerequisite for automatic digitization of drawings. AI methods can be used to perform this digitization quickly and accurately. This branch of research is specifically focused on the application of Deep Learning-based methods for the detection of symbols in construction drawings.

Text Recognition

Much critical information is contained as text fields on floor plans and construction drawings. Since these are often only available as pixel-based scans, it is necessary to first apply a text recognition process to make the information accessible. This research aspect therefore deals with the development of special character recognition tools for technical drawings. By applying artificial intelligence and Deep Learning-based methods, precise and fast methods are thus developed to facilitate the digitization of technical drawings.


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